Fairy Pendant


40 in stock

“Hello, Divine Beauty. I am here to support you on your journey of protection and playfulness and lead you on a path of enlightenment through many avenues. I move between worlds, connecting with light and many others.

I am a unique Fairy and like it that way. My future partner in adventure also leads their path to the beat of their own drum.” Resident Fairy.

The amethyst stone in the piece is impressive, as the light reflects a pink hue from within it. There is something very magical about this stone.

Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst, Deer Horn/Antler, and Heart Star Geometry for this piece: 

Amethyst brings forth an enchanting and whimsical play within the stone’s energies. It is connecting you to the Fairy realm through the violet ray.

Deer Horn/antler reminds us that the Elementals play within nature, creating adventures and staying in balance and harmony with their environment.

Heart Star Geometry (Merkaba), the Stargate to the Light Body, activates the chakras, especially the heart chakra.  It reminds us that love is our only protection. The top point directs you higher, while the bottom point keeps you connected to Mother Earth. A delicate balance is needed while traversing the Elemental dimensions.

Silver absorbs and magnifies the energies of the stone(s) set within the piece, enhancing the connection between the stone(s) and the wearer.

Wear a silver necklace when feeling low, tired, or uninspired to experience renewed energy.

This piece was cleared and energized within Bali, Indonesia, and Sedona, Arizona frequencies.

Created in Bali.

The dimensions are:

Pear Amythest gemstone – 14 mm x 10 mm

Carved deer horn/antler fairy – 42 mm x 35 mm

Total height – 90 mm

Total width – 35 mm

Silver setting

The carving includes ethically sourced deer horn/antler and its natural characteristics.

A purple necklace cord is included.


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